Byppay - Gestión de impagos

When you have money... pay.

When you don't... Byppay!

Byppay is an app for invoice compensation through direct payments from your customers to your suppliers .

Byppay is 4 times cheaper and 10 times faster than paying invoices through traditional banks

"25% of businesses claim that late payments threaten their viability".

"La Razón" Journal.

At Byppay, we believe that companies are the engines of progress in our society.

That is why we have created a system for companies to prevent client defaults from affecting their ability to pay their suppliers.

Byppay enables you to establish a direct payment channel between your clients and suppliers.

All this, without resorting to the tedious and costly process of taking out a bank loan or initiating a factoring process.

Blue Room Innovation
Cronuts Digital
Modo Cripto
Logo Innova


Major companies already trust Byppay


Byppay empowers businesses to trade directly with each other. Save your time and money.



(Even) after spending all the time negotiating a loan, a bank could still decide not to approve it. With Byppay, your supplier will receive fair payment when your client pays him.

Byppay - Instantáneo


Byppay takes a maximum of 1-2 days to transfer the money from your client to your supplier. This tool is at least 10 times faster than the most popular banks in Spain.

Byppay - Intuitivo


We are
"the WhatsApp of invoices". Byppay is a free app that makes paying invoices simple and convenient for you and your client.

Byppay - Económico


Byppay is at least 4 times cheaper than paying invoices through the most popular banks in Spain.
Byppay helps to eliminate bank and possible court fines.


How Byppay works

Guarantee payment to your suppliers in 3 easy steps:

1. Upload your invoice

Take a photo or upload the invoice that is due to pay. Fill in a form with all the necessary information and select your client and supplier.

Byppay - Sube tu factura

2. Create the live chat

Once your client and supplier have accepted your invitation, Byppay will create a live chat. Your client and supplier will be able to close the deal. Upon acceptance, your client will be the one to pay your outstanding invoices.

3. Get your Byppay Contract

Once an agreement is reached, a Byppay Contract will be sent to you via live chat to secure payment and provide security in your default management.


Get to know the experience of those who already use our application


We are here to help you.

Byppay - Equipo

Esteve del Acebo (PhD)

R+D Advisor

José Manzanares Allén

Tokenization Advisor

Alberto Ballesteros (Msc)

R+D Support

Try our App

Sign up to get to know our application and start managing your unpaid invoices.